Our Process
A Farm to Cup Coffee Journey
Javataza was founded on a desire to support sustainable coffee farming practices that provides value to every party involved in the coffee chain. Our farm-to-cup coffee model (sometimes referred to as “Direct Trade” enables us to do this. With employees and partners on the ground in Central America, we are able to be a full farm to cup coffee company. This enables quality control and best farming practices while ensuring that the farmers are getting paid well for their product. Here in the United States we are committed to state-of-the art equipment and processing of our coffees. Our computerized profile roaster guarantees consistency of roast and we work hard to get your coffee to you while it is still fresh. We are sold on this farm to cup coffee model!
From Farm to Cup: A Photo Journey
Growing Coffee
Coffee Fields in bloom. These blooms tell of good things to come in a few months. Every year as the trees blossom and fruit begins to grow, our farmers stay busy keeping weeds under control, feeding the coffee trees, and doing everything they can to ensure a quality crop of coffee cherries. The more personal care each tree receives, the better they produce.
Sorting and Washing
Here coffee fruit is being sorted out, making sure that only ripe coffee is processed. When the cherries are not ripe yet, the coffee bean (seed) will not have a chance to absorb the good flavors that come from a ripe cherry. Javataza encourages good quality control, even in the harvesting process.
When the moisture levels are low enough the coffee is moved into a dryer. Many of our suppliers use a wood-fired dryer. Coffee will often dry in these for more than 24 hours. During this time the operator needs to be checking moisture levels often. Most times the coffee will be brought down to a 11-12% moisture level.
Here coffee is being loaded onto trucks to be taken to a facility for final processing, sorting, grading, and preparing to export. All our coffee is carefully documented so we know exactly which growers it came from, what time of the year it was processed, and more. Traceability of our coffee is a big deal to us.